Fashion Needs and Consumption: Personal Life

In our last session we had a detailed discussion about the drawbacks of Fashion Industry and what are the various ways of tackling it. And now as an assignment we are supposed to write reflective posts from our perspective about different environments and their Fashion needs and Consumption. I'll begin by writing about my personal life experiences first. So, let's get started!

Before the module 'Social Responsibility', even though I was well aware about some of the harmful effects that we are causing to the environment through plastic use, water wastage and a lot more, I still wasn't aware how fashion Industry and we all are contributing to it. Till now, I only have been continuously trying myself and encouraging others around me to stop buying daily objects made out of plastic, to stop wasting water, to try to use public transport and a lot more. But since I have learned about fast fashion and minimalism, I have also decided to buy and shop less frequently. Even though it has been hard to stop the desire of buying new trendy clothes and accessories, still I am trying as much as I can. Not only this, I have been educating my friends and family about it with every chance I get so that they can too understand the depth of the problems that we cause and they too start contributing their part in one way or the another to prevent our environment from further depletion. 

But making these changes in my life has never been an easy task. Whenever I go out shopping or I see something on social media, I just automatically think of wanting something or the other thing. And sometimes I even buy them unnecessarily just because I either think its too cheap or looks pretty and trendy, even though it might not be of good quality. I think it's a complicated problem that we all are stuck in. We want to spend our money and buy things that makes us happy. And maybe there's no solution to this complicated problem, we all have been wired this way. But I have decided to learn through this process and do something if I can to protect the environment. And for me right now I believe that means buying less and using products as much as I can before throwing them away. I am obviously not going to make a drastic change suddenly, but I am going to slowly reduce the amount of things I used to buy unnecessarily or buy environmental friendly things altogether. And for this, I'll ask myself two questions before buying something- Do you really need it? Or is it good for the environment?

See making these changes is very very uncomfortable, but I have accepted the fact that growth is supposed to be uncomfortable. But still I really try do my part. And I don't know what the future holds, But I hope to become a designer who doesn't contribute to this pollution that our industry is causing. 

The image have been sourced from Pinterest.


  1. How does not buying products helps environment ?

  2. The best method against mindless consumption , according to me, is simply asking oneself these three questions before buying anything - Do I really need this product? Do I already own anything that would easily substitute this product? How much will I really use this product? If the answer to all the above questions is affirmative, then one would realise that he/she do not really want that product.

  3. You are doing a great job by creating awareness among your family and friends. Because small steps are what brings change.
    Also, Its hard to resist our temptations to buy unnecessary products especially for me but slowly i am learning to avoid buying stuff which i don't need and also creating awareness among my friends and family too.

  4. Totally agree with you !! We actually didn't know the difference between our needs and want. We just keep on fulfilling our wants for our happiness and non-ending desire to buy new stuff. This is all because of fast fashion that has made us trapped into its strategies of providing clothes at affordable prices, weekly new launches , and many more. But this module has really opened up our minds and made us think into a new direction i.e., sustainability.

  5. I really like that you are thinking of become a designer who is not going to contribute in this pollution...n m also really inspired by what you said in ur I actually need it or not.....i m also going to do my part of a job so that it might inspire others also to do the same


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